Calum MacKay
What is the Trust to you?
"Community ownership and enabling the community to make decisions for ourselves."
Calum grew up here in North Harris when the land was owned by people out-with the island. The opportunity to own land on behalf of the community was unthinkable and Calum grabbed the opportunity when it arose.
Why do you serve as Chair/Director?
"To give back to the community and see rewards of North Harris Trust projects."
Calum serves as chair and director as it brings the opportunity to develop things for the local community. Throughout Calum's life, he has been involved in various forms of voluntary work, for him, it's all about contributing to help.
North Harris Community
"Pretty close community where a lot of people communicate with one another"
Calum says that the community doesn't work as collaboratively as it did when he was a child, this is partially due to the population and average age nowadays. But Calum does see North Harris as having a special and unique community.