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Ar Coimhearsneachd

Our Community

We seek to be an organisation which fully represents our community.  In order to engage with our community we hold annual community consultations, usually in late Autumn, and our Annual General Meetings are usually held in early Spring. 

These occasions offer opportunities to engage with our direction and priorities. However, please feel able to get in touch on issues which may arise throughout the year and we will be happy to help wherever we can.  

As a community organisation, our membership is open to all North Harris residents over 16 years of age.  With membership comes a vote on all key issues affecting the organisation.  However, we encourage everyone in the community to work with us and give guidance on our direction. 

Installing Paul's shed

We strongly encourage new members within our community, if you wish to apply please submit this application form.

Community Fund

We have a relatively limited income with which to meet our responsibilities in managing our community estate, and so we do not have a great deal of capital to invest in the community at large.  Despite this, throughout the years we have contributed to various ongoing and one-off activities whenever finances have allowed.  Since coming into being, we have contributed over £100,000 directly to local community activities.


A small proportion of our annual budget expenditure is dedicated to supporting local activities in the form of a Community Fund, and requests from groups working for the benefit of North Harris can be made at any time of year.  Each request will be considered on its own merit and whether the proposal aligns with the objectives of the Trust.  Decisions are made by the Board of Directors.


Please get in touch with us if you would like to ask for our support towards a community activity.

Our Volunteers

We are a volunteer-led organisation.  Our board of Directors all give freely of their time and experience to allow the continued successful operation of the Trust and volunteering is an integral part of our organisational culture and an important way for both locals and visitors to become a closer part of our community.

If you are keen to get involved, please get in touch. We are always looking to expand our volunteer base among our visitors and increase community involvement in the management of our land. Feel free to contact our Ranger at with any enquiries.

Community Buildings

We own various properties, many of which are let to local residents and businesses at affordable rents, this contributes to a solution to the local housing shortage and supports local employment opportunities.  We also own our own office and meeting space, which can be used by community groups and hired for commercial uses.  Please click on the links below to find out more information:

Office / Meeting Space


Business Units

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