Ar Luchd-tadhail
Our Visitors
North Harris is a spectacular place, the high point of a 125-mile long chain of islands variously called Na h-Eileanan Siar, Innse Gall, the Western Isles, and the Outer Hebrides; located off the north-west coast of mainland Scotland. We own the vast majority of North Harris, and are responsible for its sensible management on behalf of the community.
We would like to offer a warm welcome to our island home and we recognise the clear benefits which visitors bring to the local economy, but also the potential for conflict with our community and the conservation needs of our island. Please be responsible when accessing our land, in line with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Together with our community partners, we have developed the Special Place Campaign to highlight the key issues:
Do not park in passing places, but please use them to allow vehicles to pass in both directions. Public parking has been provided in many locations in North Harris.
Make sure your rubbish ends up in a bin. If a bin is full, you will need to take it away with you! Visit the North Harris Recycling Centre to the east of Tarbert to recycle.
Always keep your dog under control, livestock often roam free in parts of North Harris. Keep your distance from wild animals, especially protected species.
Campervans/Motorhomes may only stay at Huisinis, Urgha AIRE or our designated overnight parking spots. Don’t camp in view of houses or beside the road. Leave no trace. Caravans and roof-top tents/family tents are encouraged to stay the formal campsites in South Harris.
Show respect for our way of life in North Harris. Get involved in our events, and please support our local businesses whenever you can.
Tha mu 1000 duine a’ fuireach ann an Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh. Tha an dàrna leth den t-sluagh a’ fuireach air an Tairbeart, agus còrr is 250 duine a’ fuireach ann an Scalpaigh na Hearadh. Tha na th’ air fhàgail de mhuinntir na sgìre sgapte ann an clachain is bailtean air feadh na h-oighreachd. Tha dùthchas na Hearadh fhathast gu math beò agus tha sinn an dòchas gun ionnsaich sibh barrachd ma dheidhinn ann a’ sheo.