April 26th has come and gone. The celebrations are over for another 10 years.
The main event was held in Tarbert Community Centre. Manran, one of the hottest new bands in the Highlands took center stage supported by local Lewis band “Face the West”. The concert proved very popular with both locals and visitors alike. Both bands were brilliant and after some initial “shyness” the community centre was soon bouncing. Over 220 people attended the concert and feedback has all been very positive.
The following day, Matt our Ranger lead a guided walk from Amhuinsuidhe to Huisinish -despite precious little sleep. The walk had a high turnout and the weather remained favourable for most of it. Around 30 people took part in the walk some of whom had danced the previous night away at the our concert. The walk was enjoyed by all.
The Amhuinnsuide Castle Estate joined in on celebrations by offering guided tours of the Castle on Saturday 27th April. This provided a rare opertunity to see inside the builing which has had such a prominent role in the history of North Harris.