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2015 Isle of Harris Mountain Festival

We are very pleased to announce the dates for next year’s Isle of Harris Mountain Festival.

The festival will take place between Saturday 12th and Saturday 19th September 2015. This will be the fifth annual festival run by the North Harris Trust, and we hope that this celebration of the mountains of Harris will be the best one yet!

The programme is only just beginning to take shape, but you can expect to see another fantastic range of guided walks showing off the best landscapes & wildlife that Harris has to offer, an array of guest speakers and evening events, plenty of outdoor sports to try out, and a bigger range of events and activities provided by other local organisations and businesses. I hope you’re as excited about it as we are!

If you’ve got any questions about the festival, drop us an email at Alternatively, keep an eye on the festival website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Hope to see you all next year!


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