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Community Consultations 2024

Co-chomhairleachadh Coimhearsnachd

It is that time of year for our community consultations once again.  The action points we took away from last year’s consultations have been available on our website since January but you may wish to remind yourself of the points raised by following the button under ‘Our Community’ at .

As usual, four local community meetings are planned to provide an opportunity to present what has been achieved over the past year, as well as gather new thoughts and ideas as to what the Trust should be focusing on in the coming year.  The dates for consultations are as follows:

·         Tuesday 12th November, 7pm: Scalpay Community Centre

·         Thursday 14th November, 7pm: Huisinis Gateway

·         Tuesday 19th November, 7pm: Tigh an Urrais, Trust Offices

·         Thursday 21st November, 7pm: Scaladale Centre

North Harris Trust directors and staff will be present at each meeting to discuss our work with you. Tea & coffee will be provided.

An online survey is also available HERE to allow you to provide feedback on our work.  Physical copies of the survey are also available at Tigh an Urrais and Urgha Recycling Centre if you prefer.

Tha sinn an dòchas gum faic sinn ann a’ shin sibh agus tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughar ris ur beachdan a chluinntinn.





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