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Election of Directors

Election of Directors

There are TWO vacancies for North Harris Trust (NHT) Directors to represent the TARBERT AREA.

Nominations have been received from the following eligible candidates:

Mr Philip Bertin, 7 Scott Road, Tarbert

Mrs Barbara Mackay, 1 Ardhasaig

Mr Innes Morrison, 6 Amhuinnsuidh

A sealed ballot box is now operating at the NHT Office and members of the North Harris Trust from the TARBERT AREA are invited to come and vote for their preferred candidates.

Members unable to visit the office can appoint another member as a Proxy to vote on their behalf. (See note below).

The period for eligible voting will end when the ballot box is opened at:

6:00pm on Thursday 22nd February 2018.

There will be a meeting to coincide with the opening of the ballot box at the North Harris Trust Office starting at 5:45pm on Thursday 22nd February 2018. NHT Members are invited to attend, along with the proposed candidates, to supervise the count.

The candidates with the most votes will be proposed as Directors at the subsequent North Harris Trust AGM to be held on the 26th February 2018, Tigh an Urrais, NHT Office, Tarbert at 7.30pm.

For further information please contact: Gordon Cumming, Manager, North Harris Trust, Tigh an Urrais, Tarbert, HS3 3DB. Telephone: 01859 502 222. Email:


  1. A Proxy is a written signed statement giving authorization for another NHT Member to vote on your behalf. A copy of this Proxy must be delivered to the NHT Office at least 24 hours before the vote is placed, to allow for verification.

  2. The Tarbert Area extends from Leachkin, in the West, to Croft 1 Tarbert, in the East.


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