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Huisinis project well underway

Today we paid the deposit on the wind-turbines for Huisinis. Hopefully work will start on site this week, in preparing the foundation plinth. The turbines are already sitting in Stornoway with our name on.

SSE have confirmed that they will be ready to connect the toilets to the grid at the end of October. So, at the moment it’s looking like we might be on schedule for commissioning and registration before the December 1st deadline.

This winter, you’ll be able to spend a penny in the hours of darkness – for the first time.

In the background, we have also applied to the Investing in Ideas fund to help us carry out a Feasibility Study. We have already tendered for an Architectural Team to come up with a design and a budgetary cost to redevelop the toilet block into a “Machair Refuge”. We hope to be able to recreate the success of the North Harris Eagle Observatory.


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