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North Harris Eagle Observatory Under Construction

The North Harris hills hold one of the highest densities of golden eagles in Europe and the open nature of the landscape makes this a fantastic place to watch this spectacular bird.

In recent years eagle walks run by the North Harris Ranger Service have proved to be a very popular draw for visitors and residents alike. In order to further promote our unique natural heritage and enable more people to see eagles we have embarked on a project to construct an eagle observatory. The observatory will be a small weather proof shelter situated in Glen Miavaig in the heart of the territory of a pair of golden eagles. We are building a structure that will blend into the natural surroundings with a turf roof and larch cladding. Seven large panes of glass will provide excellent views of the glen and ridges frequented by the golden eagles. The viewpoint can be reached by a short walk along a 4×4 track from the nearest road and will be open all year round. An interpretation board will provide information about the eagles and tips on how to spot them. The viewpoint is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

This will be the first year round eagle viewpoint in Scotland and we would like to thank SNH, Leader and the Brown & Forbes foundation for funding this project.

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