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North Harris Trust Byelaw Update

As mentioned at our AGM back in April, our Board of Directors have now agreed to update the North Harris Trust Byelaws, which detail eligibility for North Harris Trust Membership and describe how our Directors are appointed.  This was thought to be necessary to improve representation on the Board of Directors and clarify the process by which North Harris Trust Director appointments are made in accordance with our Articles of Association.  Our recently adopted set of updated Byelaws can now be found on our website at and physical copies can also be provided at our offices.  Although it is the Board of Directors which has the ability to update our Byelaws, any Member may make a suggestion to improve them.  We would welcome any comments or suggestions from our Members, and will be actively seeking comment as part of our annual consultation in November.   


Remember, if you live in North Harris you are encouraged to become a Member of the North Harris Trust, as an important way to show your support for the organisation.  Members are especially invited to contribute to our annual consultation process and also have the opportunity to vote on important matters at our AGM, including the election of our Directors.  If you are not yet a Member, and think you might be interested and eligible, please get in touch with us for more information and an application form.


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