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Tasmania – looking at community regeneration

We hosted a visit today from a visitor from Tasmania. I had to look on the map to see exactly where it was!

Imogen Ebsworth is an advisor for a Senator in the Australian parliament. She is on a month long fact-finding mission to the UK. She has seen disadvantaged steel works communities and coal mining communities and has been to Harris to see how remote, rural communities can be re-energised through community land ownership.

Tasmania is a bit closer to the equator than Harris, but as an island, has a similar cool temperate climate. They know about wind too, having in the “roaring forties”. 45% of their land is designated as national park. Forestry and Mining are big industries which often conflict with the National Park designations. They have a similar ageing population with few young people and children. Holiday homes are common as are people retiring to the area.

It’s surprising that someone can come from the opposite site of the globe -perhaps our furthest-travelled visitor, and have so much in common.


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