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Work Experience

This week we have had the pleasure of hosting an S3 pupil from Sir E Scott, for work experience. I think Fiona came with the idea of doing some cushy office work. The picture shows a rare moment behind a desk. Fiona’s taken to publishing pieces on the web-site for us.  We’ve tried to show her the variety of things we get up to at the Trust, so she’s been out watching the lads coppicing trees at the Biomass plantation. She’s been out with the Crofting Connections team, helping out with the growing projects at the Poly-tunnels. I don’t know yet, if she knows she’s helping out fixing the track up Glen Meavaig tomorrow. I hope she’s OK with a shovel. Then on Thursday, it’s guided walk day. The highlight of the week – a day with Ranger Robin. The catch is she’s come on the week that takes in a climb of the Clisham! Maybe Friday we’ll let her back behind a desk.

Do you think we’ll get pupils wanting to come for work experience at the Trust next year?

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