Ranger Service
The North Harris Ranger Service came into being in October 2009 and is currently supported by funding from NatureScot and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
The main aims of the Ranger service are:
To ensure a warm welcome to the outdoors and provide support for people to enjoy it;
To increase awareness, understanding, care and responsible use of the natural and cultural heritage of North Harris;
To support the sustainable management and use of the outdoors.
Maor-dùthcha na Hearadh
Tha dleastanasan sònraichte aig maor-dùthcha sam bith a th’ ag obair ann an coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig. Chan eil sgaradh ann eadar an àrainneachd agus na daoine ann an dualchas nan Gàidheal, agus mar sin dheth tha dùthchas ann an teis meadhan a h-uile rud a bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Mar sin dheth, tha Urras Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh a’ coimhead air an t-Seirbheis Mhaoir-dhùthcha aige mar obair coimhearsnachd seach obair ceangailte le nàdar mar rudeigin fa-leth.
The Ranger Service leads a programme of guided walks and events from May through to October every year. The programme for eachsummer season is advertised in the print, on this website and on our social media.
At other points during the year, the Ranger organises one-off events which offer opportunities to connect with the outdoors. If you would like to keep informed of these, please keep an eye out in the local newsletter and on social media.

Photograph taken by Fiona Rennie
The Ranger Service carries out various activities to protect our environment and heritage. This includes monitoring key species in the area, combatting invasive species, surveying heritage sites, and supporting scientists and the media.
For as long as we have been around, volunteering has been an integral part of how the Ranger Service does things. With special thanks to partners like the John Muir Trust, as well as various schools, universities, other groups, and, most importantly, individuals; we have been able to carry out ambitious projects to benefit our community, our visitors, and our environment.
For more information or to get involved with volunteering with us, contact our Ranger on 01859 502 222 or via email at ranger@north-harris.org

Photograph taken by Fiona Rennie
Saor-thoileachas tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig fhathast na chànan choimhearsnachd ann an Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh, agus mar sin dheth tha i na cànan obrach san Urras gu h-ìre mhòr. Bidh an t-Urras a’ tabhainn cothroman dha shaor-thoilich a bhith ag obair tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, agus a bhith ag ionnsachadh mun dùthchas againn fhad ’s a chuidicheas iad le obraichean coimhearsnachd.
The Ranger Service works with the Harris schools to help foster a greater appreciation, responsibility, and belonging in our young people towards the local environment. Our Ranger also welcomes visiting school and university groups throughout the year.
Do not hesitate to get in touch at ranger@north-harris.org if you would like to work with us.